” Ganesh ” Silver Anklet

The ” Ganesh ” Silver Anklet is named after the revered Hindu deity, Lord Ganesh, who symbolizes wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune. This anklet embodies the spirit of protection and guidance, inspired by Ganesh’s divine presence.

” Happy ” Silver Anklet

The name ” Happy ” was chosen to reflect the anklet’s vibrant and joyful color scheme. The cheerful combination of pink and orange evokes feelings of happiness, positivity, and exuberance, capturing the essence of this delightful accessory.

” Hippie ” Silver Anklet

The name ” Hippie ” reflects the anklet’s organic and whimsical design, reminiscent of the free-spirited and nature-inspired aesthetic often associated with the hippie movement.

” Gypsy ” Silver Anklet


The ” Gypsy ” anklet, inspired by the free-spirited nature of gypsies, embodies their sense of wanderlust and bohemian style. It’s a symbol of adventure and individuality, perfect for expressing your unique spirit.